Have you ever undersold yourself? Have you ever shared your dream and not been taken seriously? Most of us dreamers have at some point. Cleavon shares in this episode a mental hack that helps you avoid this encounter. Show No...
I sit down with Dr. Vernell Deslonde and talk about pain, purpose, clarity, and everything in between. If you are looking to get more clear about how to turn your test into a testimony, this is the episode for you. Connect wi...
Cleavon shares a candid conversation with Pace Fordham of Thoughts By Pace about the experiences of adulting, impact & influence, social media, and community as a visionary leader. Check out Pace's work: https://www.pacefordh...
Today I am going to share with you: 4 ways you can cut through the market in business, in relationships, in ministry, whatever it is you are trying to stand out in, these 4 tips when applied will make it happen. Spiritual Gif...
Four ways you can thrive in the trenches when it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom. If you do these 4 things you will make it through and you won’t be there for as long. If you feel like you’ve been going through it, remember...
Cleavon dives into the topic of relationships and dating with special guest Danita LaShelle, author of the 90-Day Plan. As a visionary, the quality of your life and vision is directly related to the quality of your relationsh...
Learn how to identify and use your unique personality to your advantage! Understanding your personality is a key element in self-awareness and spiritual intelligence. Cleavon brings special guest Tom Miner on the show to expl...
Cleavon shares 3 skills that every Visionary needs to understand and practice. Learn how to unlock your spiritual intelligence. Spiritual Gifts Survey Ministerial Gifts Quiz Follow Cleavon on Instagram Click the link below to...
In the previous episode, we established that you, me, all of us are heroes on a mission, but what I forgot to tell you is that every hero needs a guide. Heroes are weak characters. They have insecurities, doubts, lack of skil...
If you want to have clarity, inspiration, and meaning in your life you need to become a better storyteller. Your life is a story, you are the hero, and every hero has a mission. Learn why and how in this episode. The Muse Rep...