Dec. 5, 2023

Your Purpose Made Clear [A Brief History of Your Future] | 153

Your Purpose Made Clear [A Brief History of Your Future] | 153

Ever wonder what you are supposed to do with your life? In this episode, I explain how your history determines your future and makes your purpose clear. Enjoy!

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Hey! I'm Clee, the founder/CVO of Build Your Vision LLC, a media & coaching company that trains busy, growth-minded visionaries in self-leadership and personal growth.

My mission is to eradicate internal confusion in my generation and to build the "Vision Economy". A balanced supply and demand ecosystem in which each individual's accomplished vision is the platform for another vision to be actualized.

I post content like skits, videos, interviews, and blog articles to accomplish the goal of creating a world of more visionaries taking action and less dreamers sitting on the sidelines.


you are going to be unstoppable. Like literally, the energy will be bubbling out of you as you go into your life because you will be so clear on the grand scheme of why you were created. And what you are here to do. And I call this quick presentation that I'm about to give with you, that gives you this macro view of why you were uniquely created to do what you're doing. I call it a brief history of your future. You're listening to the build your vision podcast, a podcast series about maneuvering the ups and downs of building a life that you're proud of captured in real time, a community where dreamers become doers and doers become world changer. Let's go. I want to share with you something that is a little unique about me, and that is, I don't really watch TV much. I I very seldom watch movies, but if you do catch me watching something, it's going to most likely be. Either a documentary or a musical, but this time I'm talking about documentaries. I love me a good documentary. And this past month I watched a documentary. In fact, I've watched a couple of documentaries over the past few weeks. They've been really good. Netflix has been banging them out. It's been great. So I was watching this Netflix documentary and it was called the black godfather, the black godfather. Now. I'm the guy that I told you, I don't really watch movies like that. I have not seen any of the things that I'm apparently supposed to see as an American, whatever it is. I've never seen the original Godfather, I've never seen Star Wars, never seen Star Trek, never seen, uh, Harry Potter, never seen any of these, okay? I've seen Forrest Gump. I had that one, so I've seen Forrest Gump. But I usually don't watch these things, so when they saw the black Godfather, I was like, you know what? I never watched the original, uh, let me watch the black version. So, I clicked on it and I was completely surprised by what I saw. I, I did not think it was going to be that type of film. And it breaks out with this opening montage of all these iconic figures. I mean, boom, Jamie Foxx, boom, Celine Dion, uh, Cicely Tyson, uh, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Bill Clinton, Quincy Jones, uh, Snoop Dogg, P. Diddy, I'm like, oh, okay, who? They're all talking about this guy that's called the Black Godfather, and they kept saying over and over again, we don't really know what he does. We just know that if you need something done, you go. To him, you go to the black godfather. I'm like, who is this guy? This guy seems to be connected to everybody. They're even saying it themselves. They're like, you might not know who he is, but everybody who needs to know who he is, know who he is. And I'm like, who are, I gotta know this guy. If he's connected to all these people that I love and pay attention to and. You know, I'm kind of in tune with what's happening in the industry a little bit. Like I should know who this guy is. And they finally cut to the scene where they introduce the guy that the movie is all about. And I was shocked. It was this old black dude who gray hair kind of looked almost a little feeble, like probably every inch of five, six. And this was. The Black Godfather, and his name was Clarence Avons. Clarence. Now, do you know who Clarence Avon is? Because I, for sure, I was like, I never heard that name in my life. You know how sometimes somebody sometimes tell you something, you're like, you know what? That name rings a bell. I can't match a face after I had never heard this name. In my life, right? So I'm like, who is Clarence Avon? And the movie went on and I saw all the things that he did and the civil rights movement and, and the music and, Hollywood and movies and entertainment, and he was honestly, a lot of the cultural staples that we understand and know today, even the first black president of the United States was highly in part to a man named Clarence. Avon. And I'm like, man, this is powerful that this guy was able to use the threefold system, right? He was clear on what he was doing. He had a, I mean, the dude was phenomenal at creating relationships clearly. And he always came to the table with an offer. I remember they showed a clip of him getting a BET award and he got on the stage and the first thing he said was, I don't make speeches. I make deals. Right? He always came to the table with an offer. But the part that stood out to me the most was segues clearly into what we're going to be talking about tonight with Clarity of Purposes. His daughter is sitting there and she's saying, yeah, my father, he was in the music industry. He was involved in the politics industry. Yes, he was involved in the entertainment and movies industry. But most of all, he. Was a purpose driven visionary and his whole purpose, his whole why behind why he woke up every morning was to move the black community closer to the American dream and helping people get what they deserve. That is why he did what he did, because people were saying, like, I remember boys to men was saying like, yeah, he never charged us for anything. He never asked for money. He just. He just helped. He just helped and he made such a huge impact on people because he was clear on why he was doing what he was doing. But even with Clarence Avon and all the impact that he made. I think there was one thing that even he was missing when it came to clarity of purpose. And if we can add on to that, you are going to be unstoppable. Like literally, the energy will be bubbling out of you as you go into your life because you will be so clear on the grand scheme of why you were created. And what you are here to do. And I call this quick presentation that I'm about to give with you, that gives you this macro view of why you were uniquely created to do what you're doing. I call it a brief history of your future. So I'm going to share my screen real quick, and we're going to get into this presentation. So I want to start at the very beginning. And I literally mean the very beginning in the beginning, there was a kingdom called heaven, The kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God, and this kingdom had a king and his name was Yahweh. Some people call it Yahovah, right? There's multiple names for this. All knowing God in the kingdom. But the meaning of his name is I am, or I will be in this King. He wanted to create an extension of his kingdom. To a new territory. So he created this territory and called it earth and colonized it with the kingdom culture of heaven. And why would he do this? Right? You think this, why he's God, what he need to make another planet or place for in the scriptures. Tell us it says it's Isaiah 43 verse seven, bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them. Why do you create the things that you create? Why do you write? Why do you speak? Why do you paint? Why do you draw? Because you want to make something and be proud of it because you made it. You are creative, right? Revelation chapter 4 verse 11, it says, For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you please. He wanted to. He created it for his pleasure. And he created it, but he didn't want to create it just for himself, because if he just created the earth, The Earth has no emotion. It has no expression. He wanted to create something that was like him, but that wasn't him. So he created Adam, right? Man. And he made the male and female and he later, Adam later called her name Eve, and they ruled over this territory. They became the rulers of this colonized area of the kingdom of of heaven, right? So that also in turn made them kings and queens, right? Because they had rule over this territory, just like their creator had a rule over territory, right? But then, unfortunately, because God is a God of love, he gave them He gave them a choice to love them back. And unfortunately they decided to make themselves their own God. They decided to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and even unfortunately, because of this sin against God, they were separated and denied the rights of the heavenly government that they originally came from. But. God started a plan. I just called this the kingdom restoration project. This is not in the Bible This is my interpretation of what's going on But I think we should give it a name right the kingdom restoration project right there in Genesis 3 God goes to work on how to restore his original plan to the earth and he designed this plan not a plan out of Dictatorship not a plan out of tyranny not a plan out of force But a plan that would be executed through love because God is love. So to do this, to start phase one of this plan, he chooses a remnant people To be the forefathers of a future King who would restore. The kingdom of God on earth and this remnant became known as the Israelites or also known as Jews, right? And the word Jews derives from the ancient land of the Jews, which was called Judea, And he creates this remnant group of people. And through this remnant people, they would birth. A king, right? So it starts with the king from the line of the king of David and goes all the way down to an anointed king named Yeshua or Yehoshua. We call him because our language in English is very influenced by the Latin language, Jesus. But his name means the same thing. It means to deliver or savior. So because God is a perfect God. He doesn't change, which also means neither do his promises, his principles or his laws. And in the beginning, he set forth some principles and laws for the earth. And one of those laws was. The wages of sin is death that's in Romans 3 chapter 23 if you want to know where that came from and this is why the Israelites always had to kill something as an atonement for Their sin if you've ever read the Bible, you've probably heard or even if you know anything about ancient Palestinian history, they were always making sacrifices of lambs and goats and bulls on the altar and it's because Whenever sin was present Something had to die to cover that sin. Why? Because the presence of God is perfect. He is a perfect King that has to remain or chooses to remain rather in the presence of unrighteous citizens. He is perfectly righteous. His scepter is. Righteousness and you cannot come before him defiled by death also known as sin. Yahweh is Life so he cannot equal sin Yahweh is light so he cannot exist in the midst of darkness there always had to be an atonement for The sins, something had to die, and this was phase one of the kingdom restoration project. But then we move on to phase two, things start getting better because this is a grand scheme that God has laid out since the beginning of the fall of man. And it starts with a king. From the tribe of Judah that we alerted to before, from the lineage of the King of David, a Messiah, anointed one, a King like no King before, they called him Emmanuel, God with us. His name was Yeshua, meaning Savior, and we call him Jesus. And he was born of the Spirit of God to a virgin mother. Literally the essence of God himself came down to earth and was born a man. To reestablish his kingdom on earth. And this is why he had the heralding message as soon as he started his ministry, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus had the sole mission of completing phase two. of the kingdom restoration project. This was to spread the good news of the gospel about the kingdom and its culture, and to be the door that lets the world back into the presence of God, if they choose. So this was Jesus strategy. He didn't just go into this haphazardly, right? He had a plan for the vision that he had before him. So this is actually a derivative. Of the same exact template that we use in the build your vision course. He had a why he started with the Y to restore the kingdom of heaven so that the father can once again, say his creation is good. How is he going to do this? Right? Well, he had a few tactics in disciplines that he was going to use to make this happen. The first one was he was going to teach. And preach the kingdom message. Number two, he was going to heal the sick. Number three, he was going to make some disciples followers of his teachings. And lastly, he was going to complete the law by dying and then overcome death by rising from the grave. So this was all to complete the vision that he had of a world of visionaries armed with the power of God's spirit, who are committed to regrowing citizenship. So here was the mission to equip as many kingdom ambassadors as possible to rebirth new citizens into the kingdom through water and the spirit. This comes from Matthew chapter three, and it's so fascinating that in the beginning we saw that God created man, Adam, when he first created the earth, the first thing we talk about. It's a water, water covered the face of the deep and it was chaotic, but the spirit of God was hovering over the waters when there was nothingness, right? And God went into those waters informed man from the dust of the ground and created all the things that we know as of now. So to be birthed originally. It was of water and spirit. It was through water and spirit. And then to be rebirthed into the kingdom of God, you have to go to the waters under the earth to be rebirthed through water and spirit. It is absolutely fascinating. So when God created creation. You created it in three categories. Well, it's really six categories. We got creation, creatures, and creators, and then we also have time, space, and matter. I'm not gonna get into time, space, and matter because that's a whole nother lesson. Creation, creatures, and creators. Creation, right? The sky, the water, the plants that you see. Creatures, animals, insects, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. And then creators. That's you and I. Human beings. He made us in his image. He created us to be creative. Because we were made in the image of God. And the first thing, literally, Genesis 1 verse 1, the first thing that God wants us to know about him, or the author of the book wants us to know about him, or what God wants the author of the book to tell us about him, is that he's creative. In the beginning, God created. And if we are made in his image, that means we were also created. To be creative. So this literally means if you are not creating some type of content in your life, you are literally malfunctioning. You are not fulfilling the purpose God put inside of you as a human being. So if you feel like something in your life is broken, because you aren't creating what God has placed inside of you, you create all you're doing is doing a skill or functionality that's helping somebody else create what they're creating. Well, you're not wrong. Because you are literally malfunctioning, that's why you feel the way you feel. Now, I want to cover something really quick, because there's a lot of hoopla and maybe some misnomers about this thing called content. It's become a buzzword in the past couple of years. You gotta create content, create content, content creation, content creators, right? Well, what is content exactly? Alright, let's answer this question. Let's debunk some myths here. The word content comes from the medieval Latin word, contenere. Right? That means things contained. So this is really simple. There are things contained inside of you that you were purposely designed by God to create outside of you. That is content creation. That is what content creation is. Right? So let's see what content creation isn't because you've been hearing a lot of false things about content creation. Content creation is there are things contained inside of you that you were purposely designed by God to create. Outside of you. Content creation is not this social media, YouTube, podcast, a blog, right? This is the things you gotta, you gotta make content, content, social, Facebook, Tik TOK, Instagram, YouTube. That's not content creation. What those things are, those are what we call media platforms. Those are mediums or ways of passage for the content that is inside of you, that you create outside of you to have a storage space. Or marketplace for people to access it. ways of passage to the content that already exists. So what is content creation? The things contained inside of you, created outside of you. Stories, lectures, paintings, songs, poems, sculptures, drawings, all these types of things that we see out throughout the earth. Things that you're already doing. you're already writing songs. You're already making stories. You're already doing lectures. You're already making drawings. You're already teaching. You are a content creator and you don't even realize it. You feel like you haven't been, but you really have been this whole time, but let's just say you don't know if you're creating the right thing, or you may not have been creating, maybe you have been in a space where you've been doing a functional skill where you've been helping somebody create what they want to create. But now you want to start creating what you feel called to create. Well, what do you create, is the question. This is a really good question. And the answer might be frustratingly simple, but it's this. You create what you were created. You were created to do good works that were already planned for you before the beginning of time. the world will try to tell you that you have to make or create your own future. But those who are operating under the kingdom of heaven, not the kingdom of this world know that you don't create your future. You discover it, The plans were already made for you before you were born. In fact, they were placed inside of you from the time you were even conceived. Everything in your life has had and continues to have meaning. Yes. Even the bad things. Because we know that God can even turn evil in to good. You have this content creation cocktail of unique experiences, environments, encounters, expertise that all lead to you being able to make a specific contribution to the world in this moment in time that God placed. You, and he has equipped you with literally everything you need to make that change in your world. This is why my company's name is called build your vision, not create your vision. Not even design your vision because you already have the materials. You already have the blueprint. You already have the gift. You just have to see it. Now, how well you see it is what matters. How clearly can you see your vision? How clearly can you see the things that make the vision possible? And if it's blurry is where we come in because the quality of your life is directly determined by the clarity of your vision. But you have everything you need from what God has already placed inside of you. Everything that you've been through through your life up to this point. How do you discover? Your why how do you discover this vision? Right? Another maybe frustratingly simple question. I'm going to ask you here, but it helps get to the bottom of this. Now in vision for newer school, we have a whole course. called the find your why challenge that is within vision for newer school within the vision builds your vision course. And it goes really deep into this concept of finding your why, but you can actually get very close to understanding this by asking yourself one question. And that question is, if all your necessities were met, what would you do every single day for the rest of your life, even if you never got paid for it? If all your necessities were met, you have food, you have water, you have shelter. You're good. You got the, you got the necessities. What would you do every day, for the rest of your life, even if you never got paid for it? Now, if your answer is nothing, you are in the wrong room. You can leave right now. You are not built, you're not a visionary, okay? I can just tell you that right now. If your answer is, I don't want to do nothing, I don't even think that's the truth, I think you're lying to yourself, but until you figure that out, you can bounce. But if your answer is, oh, well I would do this. I have, I have a passion for this. I love helping people do this. Then you're in the right space. What would you do? Think about it. Let that marinate. that might not be the easiest question to answer right now. It might take some time. It might take some rumination, some reflection. But think about it. Because if you do answer that question truthfully, you've just unlocked the history of your future. You just metaphorically picked up the shovel and broke ground on your vision. And now it's time to build. So a quick recap of everything that we just covered here. God has a kingdom of heaven and he wanted to extend his territory to a place called earth, and he named it. Eden, and he made human kingdom citizens to rule over the earth at kings and queens over his territory. But unfortunately, sin separated us from the king and it perverted the kingdom. But Jesus came as a sacrifice and atonement to assess and to rebirth the purity. Of the original kingdom of heaven and ultimately what he did is he launched a citizenship campaign He equipped all of us with everything we need to expand the kingdom territory on earth He gave you a voice And he gave you a message, it's just your choice to amplify it. And he made kingdom visionaries, what is a kingdom visionary? A kingdom visionary is a person who creates what they see before anybody else can see what they create. They have it already in here. They can see it. They can see the difference. They can see the change that they're going to be making in their sector before anybody else can even see what they're going to create. That's a kingdom visionary. Kingdom visionaries see and create kingdom territory in their sector. Now that's a new word. I'm not going to just breeze by that word and just assume you know what I'm talking about. What is a sector? A sector simply is An area or portion that is distinct from others, a boundary or space that is distinct and unique from others. And why am I bringing this up? Well, there's a teaching and it's, it comes from this, this, this thought pattern of something called dominionism. And it's actually birthed out of revelation 17, where it talks about the seven mountains. Uh, but they, they derive it to these seven sectors of society. Right there. Everything is influenced in the world through these seven sectors. And these seven sectors are the religious sector, the healthcare sector, the education sector, the social and family sector, the arts and media sector, number six, the government sector, and number seven, the business sector. These are the seven sectors. Of society that you can infiltrate as a kingdom visionary, God has created you to infiltrate these areas. You are not able to make change. You are not able to amplify your voice completely. You are not able to actually move forward the kingdom of heaven. If you are not. In these sectors, and I guarantee you there's all these sectors aren't covered in church. You got to go into society to make this change, right? Religious health care, education, social family, arts and media, government and business. But here's the thing to keep this in mind. saying has a strategy. Against you as a visionary. He also has a grand strategy as well. And there's this controversy going on every single day. See, there are other kingdom missionaries. You're not the only person that's a visionary now. They are very talented, very gifted visionaries who are seeing something they are wanting to create before anybody sees what they create. That are working for another kingdom, the kingdom of this world. This is the urgency. This is why I I'm so passionate about this because who's going to win, who is going to win this battle, you're fighting over the same territory. And when we're quiet and don't amplify our voice, we're basically just saying. We won't let them win and we disappoint God and all the sacrifice he has made for his kingdom restoration project in order to make this possible. And it's okay, he'll find somebody else to do it, but he chose you. He chose you to find your sector, your metron, your sphere of influence and have dominion over it for the kingdom and glory. Of God, that is a brief history of your future in a sentence. This is how I would describe it. You were created to have dominion over your unique space to make the world a better place and through your obedience, put a smile on God's face because remember everything he created was for his glory. Everything he created. Was for his pleasure. Just how we create this is so cool. Like the, the, the spirit of God is in every part of us. We built Legos and we draw pictures and we make sand castles and we do it. Why? Because we enjoy it and we want to have other people enjoy it. This is why we post things. This is why we post on social media. We want other people to see what we made in the kitchen. We want other people to see what we did in society. We want other people to enjoy it with us. Just like God did. And we, when we obey him, we put a smile on his face. This is it. This is the point. This is the purpose. This is the clarity of your purpose. It's all here. Now, of course, it's unique to you. You have unique experiences, environments, encounters that you've gone through through your life that has shaped and molded you into the person that you are right now. Not one thing was wasted. You are who you are so that you can reach and impact and influence who you are called to serve. You were created to have dominion over it, not to be dominated by it. You were created to make the world a better place, not a safe place, right? Running away from society is not the answer. You're meant to be a part of it, in the world, but not of it. Through your obedience, you put a smile on God's face. I think if you understand that, you will have a significant edge. Over Clarence Avon. It's not the godfather. You'll be connected to the father. I'll see you guys in the next one