July 23, 2024

How do I remain CONTENT without becoming COMPLACENT? [Rant] | 160

How do I remain CONTENT without becoming COMPLACENT? [Rant] | 160

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Hey! I'm Clee, the founder/CVO of Build Your Vision LLC, a media & coaching company that trains busy, growth-minded visionaries in self-leadership and personal growth.

My mission is to eradicate internal confusion in my generation and to build the "Vision Economy". A balanced supply and demand ecosystem in which each individual's accomplished vision is the platform for another vision to be actualized.

I post content like skits, videos, interviews, and blog articles to accomplish the goal of creating a world of more visionaries taking action and less dreamers sitting on the sidelines.


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If you identify as a creator or entrepreneur, there is a high chance that you have struggled with or are struggling with being content with.

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Now it's not as bad as it sounds.

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Let me explain.

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I'm sure, I'm sure of this, that you have no lack of ambition.

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Or else you wouldn't even have clicked on this video, right?

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You would not be a part of this community.

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But, if you are trying to build a brand that pleases God and serves people, you don't want to fall into the trap of selfish ambition.

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An ongoing cycle of never quite being satisfied, always thinking about what's next, and what could be better tomorrow.

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Obsessing over certain outcomes or constantly strategizing on how to achieve an ideal goal.

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chasing some feeling of accomplishment that never truly happens.

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I've been there and we don't want that.

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You don't want that.

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But it's hard because we live in a world that literally thrives, literally, it thrives off our awareness of lack in our lives.

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You are constantly being bombarded with reminders of who you are not, what you don't have.

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And what others do have.

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quite honestly, if every person in the nation Just began to focus on what they had instead of what they don't have the whole american economy would collapse completely implode Like it would it would tank the whole economy is based off an insatiable appetite for more, but I digress So we understand that, but on the other hand, the scriptures say, that those too lazy to plow in the right season have no food at harvest.

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That's Proverbs 20 verse 4.

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And of course, you know, Proverbs has a lot of proverbs about laziness and work.

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And it's clear that work is not looked at in a bad way.

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So we know that work is good, but putting our trust in our work, we understand, is not good.

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So we want to strive to be like Paul in Philippians where he says, For I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.

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I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything.

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I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.

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For I can do everything through Christ.

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Who gives me strength, but you know, I'm always going to be practical on this podcast.

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The real question is how sway, how do I do that?

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Because saying that is one thing, but actually being able to do it and actually be content, no matter what your situation is, it's actually pretty challenging.

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Well, let's first begin with an understanding of what discontent meant is discontent originates from two primary sources effort.

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And entitlement effort, you know, you just haven't done your best.

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There was a lack of effort and entitlement.

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You feel like you deserve something because of how hard you worked.

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So I'm going to cut straight to the chase.

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And then I'm going to explain my cut to the chase.

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After I say the chase, here's the solution.

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Stop being lazy.

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And remind yourself that every waking thing you have is a gift from you deserve nothing.

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In fact, you deserve to be turned to dust.

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So you should be grateful that you aren't getting what you deserve.

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I'm going to backtrack now because I know that was harsh.

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First of all, I want to say I'm not calling you lazy.

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I don't think you're lazy.

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But, I do not want you to be a victim of not putting in enough effort.

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Now, I don't also don't want you to be a victim of an entitlement mindset, which is so easy to slip into because of the type of media and influences and voices that we see every single day.

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But your eyesight gift, your touch is a gift.

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Taste gift, your relationships, gift, your influence, your impact, your income is a gift.

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Every single thing you have on this earth is a gift.

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You deserve none of it.

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Now, of course, this goes against the culture's way.

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This is the kingdom's way.

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Understanding that he owns a cattle on a thousand hills.

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Everything you have, he owns, but he gave it for, he gave it to you to manage.

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That paradigm shift changes how you look at your situation.

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It changes the swiftness we can fall into discontent.

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So we got that out the way.

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We have an understanding that we should work at everything as unto the Lord.

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To give our best all the time.

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Point blank period.

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That's it.

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We should always give our best, remove the chance for a lack of effort to be the catalyst of your discontent.

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Just take that off the table.

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Just give it your all, give it your best that you have in that moment.

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Now that's going to go up and down, right?

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Consistency doesn't look like this.

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It goes like this, but it keeps going.

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That's the point.

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It's consistent with keep going.

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It's not like level, give the best you can on that day in that moment.

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Take that effort part of the discontentment off the table.

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And then secondly, continually living in a posture of thanksgiving because you understand that God is sovereign and everything you have, literally everything you have is a gift.

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You are already blessed.

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Especially if you live in a first world country.

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Like, it's ridiculous how blessed we are.

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You realize when it says seek first the kingdom of God, right?

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And he's talking about all these things should be added unto you.

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You know what all these things is?

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He said it prior in that chapter in Matthew chapter 6.

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He said food and clothing Shelter wasn't even in there.

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Your house is extra.

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He said you will have food and clothing.

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That's really all you need Your iPhone, your iPad, your AirPods.

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Come on guys.

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Extra favor.

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That's what that is.

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All right.

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So the next thing we need to address is how to actually maintain, maintain this balanced sense of intensity in a, in, in a sustainable way.

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Cause let's face it.

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One of the main reasons you don't give maximum effort in situation Isn't because you are unmotivated.

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I know that.

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Visionaries are not unmotivated.

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It's most likely because you were unclear.

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It is hard to go anywhere fast when you are confused.

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And this lack of clarity stems from fear.

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You're asking yourself questions like, what if it doesn't work?

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What if I can't stick with it?

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What if it flops?

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Is this sustainable?

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Is this scalable?

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Will I get a return on my investment?

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Well, people think if I change my mind, will my employer see this?

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What if I commit to the wrong thing?

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What if I waste my time and resources?

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All these things are going on in your head.

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Making you fearful of moving forward, and it makes you confused.

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You have such a lack of clarity and it stops you dead in your tracks fear.

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It's all fear.

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and these fear driven expectations, assumptions and anticipations seed doubt in your mind, which leads to a lack of clarity.

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Here's the equation for clarity and for confusion a decision plus faith equals clarity a decision plus doubt equals confusion Because really all you're doing is making a decision At the end of the day you are only one decision away from your success You're only one decision away from your detriment In demise, everything you do in life is you're making a whole bunch of decisions on a daily, but a decision coupled with faith, that's clarity.

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A decision coupled with doubt, that's confusion.

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And this does not impact whether it's going to actually work or not, but just like, you could be very clear on a wrong decision, very clear, and you could be dead wrong.

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But the clarity allows you to execute it and realize that you made a mistake and you can learn from it and adjust and adapt and pivot and then do the right thing that brings you the success.

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But a decision plus doubt equals confusion.

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You end up doing nothing.

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You end up doing nothing or you end up half doing everything.

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And this leads to what I'm going to talk about what the whole point of this Episode is, it's going to be one phrase, the one phrase I want you to remember after you leave from listening to this episode.

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I'm about to share with you in a few seconds.

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So we understand that effort and entitlement can lead to discontent.

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These are the two primary factors and a lot of this stuff comes from a lack of clarity, which is really just fear.

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And this comes from a decision plus doubt.

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You've made a decision on an idea that you want to do.

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You've, you've had this thing that's in your head that you possibly want to execute.

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You think it could work for you, but there's doubt seated in there.

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And now you are confused because you're asking all the questions that I stated before.

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Will it work?

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Will people think something of me if I change my mind?

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Is this sustainable?

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Is this scalable?

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Will my employers see this?

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Will I get fired?

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All these different things.

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But how can I add faith to my decisions when I don't know if it's the right decision?

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Great question.

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I'm so glad you asked.

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I'm so glad you asked and here's the answer.

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Here's the sticky statement that I want you to walk away with for this episode.

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Prove that it can fail.

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Prove it can fail.

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You're probably looking at me like what bro?

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What is he even talking about?

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It's like that Russell Westbrook meme.

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Every ounce of anxiety that you feel as a visionary is an assumption.

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Literally every single one, every ounce of fear you feel as a visionary is an assumption.

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You think your idea can fail, but you don't know.

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You don't know.

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Prove it.

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Prove it can fail.

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This will change your life guys.

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Like once I made this pivot in my head.

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I The level of clarity I had because I was like, oh, I just have to prove it won't work I'll explain this.

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I'll explain it.

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Let's just hold on with me guys.

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Prove it One of the best questions we can ask ourselves not only as visionaries, but as human beings is How do I know that?

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Ask yourself that question so much more.

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How do I know that most of the time we don't know, we're making a guess, an assumption, a gut move, an emotional expression, a proactive proposition, because we are scared of something, but we truly don't know because we never decided to objectively prove it.

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You can add faith to your decisions by proving them.

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All you need is enough faith to prove that it won't work.

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That's all you need is enough faith to prove that it won't work.

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Just do the thing and prove that it won't work.

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can please all the doubt that you want to have in your mind, but have faith first prove that the idea can fail.

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and here's why I say that, because the only way you can prove that an idea can fail is by exhausting every single option and leverage point you have that exists to make it succeed.

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That's the only way you can prove it could fail.

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You have to exhaust every option there is to make it succeed until you have done that.

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You simply don't know whether it will work or not.

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I can tell you from personal experience, one of the biggest sources of discontent is the perpetual instant replay in your mind saying, what if I went all in?

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What if I followed all the way through?

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What if I stuck with it just a little longer?

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Those types of questions will drive a visionary insane.

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And it leads to high levels of discontent.

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You don't know you have failed until you've exhausted every option for success.

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And what I have seen through my own experience and through others is that success is not as far away as you think.

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Most likely, it won't take you exhausting every possible option for success in order for you to find it.

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Most likely, you could be one strike away from gold.

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One of the best quotes I've ever heard is, the root of all unhappiness is misaligned expectations.

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Yeah, play that back.

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Run that replay.

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The root of all unhappiness is misaligned expectations.

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Stop predisposing your expectations with anxious assumptions about failure.

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But also, Stop predisposing your expectations with thoughts of immediate success and getting it right on the first try.

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Both are insane.

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Literally, both are completely illogical.

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But we do this.

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It's human nature.

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I'm not blaming you, but I'm just trying to make you aware of how insane that is.

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Stop doing this to yourself.

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And I'm speaking with this passion because I've been through this.

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It's a constant battle, but it's for your good.

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If you get on the other side, cream of dual Jabar once said, I think the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.

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Are you willing to sacrifice your anxiety on the altar of your purpose?

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Are you willing to sacrifice your desire for quick success on the altar of your purpose?

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Are you willing to sacrifice looking like you have it all together right now?

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On the altar of your purpose.

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And your purpose is just to serve people and please God with what he's given you.

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So if you wanted to say, Oh, I don't know what my purpose is.

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I just told you.

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That's it.

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All your purpose is to just serve people and please God with what he's giving you.

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If you're doing that, you are operating in your purpose.

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Now, of course, yeah, you might have a unique purpose, but, like, that's what he's giving you.

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Use it.

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To serve people and please God.

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And if you're using it to serve people, you most likely will be pleasing God.

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As long as you, your heart's right.

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So it's just demystify that for you.

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Now, if you have questions, you can always go to build your vision podcast dot com and send me a voice note question.

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And I will do my best to respond to that on the podcast or to you directly.

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So anyway, yeah, your, your purpose is just to serve people and, and please God with what he's given you.

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And one of the best ways to do that is to make a decision to pursue your idea that won't leave you alone.

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That idea that you look, I always say.

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Good ideas come and go, right?

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you won't want to let go of a good idea, but a god idea won't let go of you I'm talking about that idea Take that idea And couple it with the faith that it can only fail if I don't do my part.

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Because God is already going to do his.

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Have that faith.

00:17:06.356 --> 00:17:08.336
The only way it can fail is if you don't show up.

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The only way it can fail is if you don't prove it can.

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The only way it can fail is by you not exhausting every option for it to succeed.

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Stop saying that the course didn't work for you.

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No, you did not follow the instructions.

00:17:21.570 --> 00:17:23.270
You lacked effort.

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Stop saying that podcasting doesn't work.

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No, you did not follow through on what you were supposed to do to make a podcast work.

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You didn't learn how to work it.

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Or you did not stay consistent with it.

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Or you did not stick with it long enough.

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And you have this expectation, this entitlement that you should be succeeding because you're working hard.

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You deserve nothing.

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Do the craft because it serves somebody.

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And if you do that and show up every time with the faith that God's going to do his part, you will be okay.

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This is what leads to discontentment, guys, put in the work and don't expect to get rewarded because you just worked hard.

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Put in the work because that's what visionaries do.

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That's what creators do.

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They create.

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They're trying to serve somebody with something that they made.

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Hey, I made this.

00:18:18.435 --> 00:18:19.776
I hope it brings you value.

00:18:21.385 --> 00:18:22.955
That's what the mission is of a creator.

00:18:23.006 --> 00:18:25.435
That's what the mission of a visionary is.

00:18:27.105 --> 00:18:29.016
Stop getting caught up in this cycle.

00:18:29.705 --> 00:18:30.665
It does not help you.

00:18:32.111 --> 00:18:36.520
The media will try to tell you, Oh, you should do this and this outcome should happen and blah, blah, blah.

00:18:36.651 --> 00:18:40.931
Yes, if you do the inputs, you can expect predictable outputs.

00:18:41.080 --> 00:18:42.279
That's a principle of the earth.

00:18:42.279 --> 00:18:46.353
But don't get stuck in this discontentment cycle because you're comparing your outputs to their outputs.

00:18:46.423 --> 00:18:50.243
Or because you just try to make your own thing like I see.

00:18:50.243 --> 00:18:52.693
Oh, how should I do a podcast?

00:18:52.693 --> 00:18:53.503
And I tell people.

00:18:54.473 --> 00:18:55.844
And they're like, Oh, okay.

00:18:56.394 --> 00:18:57.193
Come back later.

00:18:57.953 --> 00:18:58.834
So did you do it?

00:18:59.473 --> 00:19:00.624
Oh, it didn't work for me.

00:19:00.624 --> 00:19:01.463
Well, what did you do?

00:19:02.193 --> 00:19:03.403
Not follow the instructions.

00:19:03.433 --> 00:19:04.834
Oh, I just, I did this, this.

00:19:04.943 --> 00:19:06.094
I felt like that wouldn't work.

00:19:06.094 --> 00:19:06.884
So I did it this way.

00:19:06.884 --> 00:19:07.933
Well, that's why I failed.

00:19:09.983 --> 00:19:11.884
You didn't put in the effort because it was hard.

00:19:11.884 --> 00:19:13.023
What I told you to do was hard.

00:19:14.513 --> 00:19:15.703
I've done this before.

00:19:16.683 --> 00:19:20.653
You know how much money I've wasted on classes and courses because I just didn't follow the instructions.

00:19:20.798 --> 00:19:22.538
Stop blaming it on the thing.

00:19:23.858 --> 00:19:26.199
Stop getting stuck in this cycle of discontentment.

00:19:26.469 --> 00:19:27.638
Prove that it can fail.

00:19:28.275 --> 00:19:29.125
Prove that it could fail.

00:19:29.654 --> 00:19:32.805
And if you prove that it can fail, then you can objectively say it doesn't work.

00:19:33.095 --> 00:19:37.265
But if you exhaust every option for success, most likely you will succeed.

00:19:38.994 --> 00:19:40.924
This is not a sexy message guys.

00:19:42.490 --> 00:19:57.107
But I just see it so often, I just got so frustrated with it myself, and once I actually started following through and putting in the effort and not expecting anything, not having, not having expectations just or, entitlement just because I worked hard, things started working.

00:19:59.228 --> 00:20:01.167
It's weird, weird how that works.

00:20:02.188 --> 00:20:05.597
Don't let discontentment rob you of the joy that comes from being a visionary creator.

00:20:05.637 --> 00:20:06.518
Just don't let it happen.

00:20:07.028 --> 00:20:08.387
Do your best not to let it happen.

00:20:09.188 --> 00:20:10.548
Of course, part of this is prayer.

00:20:10.577 --> 00:20:26.154
Like you got to pray for the Holy Spirit to keep you on the straight and narrow so you should don't start adopting the fruits of this world, but you keep the fruits of the spirit, but give your maximum, give your maximum effort and remember that everything you already have and everything you will have is a gift from God.

00:20:27.525 --> 00:20:29.424
Prove that it could fail.

00:20:30.765 --> 00:20:31.625
That's it for me guys.

00:20:32.035 --> 00:20:32.775
I'll talk to you next time.

00:20:33.355 --> 00:20:35.944
Keep building your vision every single day.

00:20:36.545 --> 00:20:37.025