Dr. Dharius Daniels

Dr. Dharius Daniels Profile Photo

Pastor & Entrepreneur

One of the most prolific communicators of our day, Dr. Dharius Daniels is on a mission to help as many people as possible become their best selves while doing their best work. Speaker, coach, and certified emotional intelligence specialist, Dharius specializes in helping others self optimize without self destructing. He acquired his passion to add value to the lives of others at an early age growing up in a small town, Kilmichael, MS. Although the population was less than 700 residents, he was taught by his father that your enlightenment, not your environment, determines your outcomes. He was inspired to unleash his untapped potential while gaining his undergraduate degree from Millsaps College and post graduate degrees from Princeton and Fuller.

With over 20 years of leadership experience, Dharius understands that right information can cause a comprehensive revolution. This passion for transformation inspired him to continue his writing career by releasing his most recent published book Relational Intelligence: The People Skills You Need For The Life Of Purpose You Want. Dr. Dharius also emerged in the mentoring and coaching arena with the release of the Daniels Den Mentoring & Coaching Program which serves thousands of members.

In addition to his contributions in the field of speaking and coaching, Dharius continues to serve as Lead Pastor of the multi-site, and multi-regional, Change Church. He has also served as an adjunct professor at Princeton. He enjoys downtime with activities such as playing a round of golf or weight training. Dharius is married to his college sweetheart, Shameka, and they are the proud parents of two sons, Seth and Gabriel.

June 27, 2023

#137 | 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Finding Your Calling w/ Dr. Dharius D…

Not sure what God has called you to do with your life? You are not alone. Dr. Dharius Daniels a prolific speaker, minister, and entrepreneur shares with us: 1. The difference between certainty and clarity. 2. Incorrect assump...

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June 20, 2023

#136 The 2 Questions That Will REVEAL YOUR CALLING w/ Dr. Dharius Dan…

Dr. Dharius Daniels shares with us the 2 questions you need to reveal your calling in life. Visionpreneur Skool Your Purpose Is Calling Book Click the link below to join my FREE community for visionaries called Visionpreneur ...

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