Click the link below to join my FREE community for visionaries called Visionpreneur School. GET IN TOUCH 🌍 Website: FOLLOW ME ONLINE 🎵 TikTo...
Four ways you can thrive in the trenches when it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom. If you do these 4 things you will make it through and you won’t be there for as long. If you feel like you’ve been going through it, remember...
Ever wonder what you are supposed to do with your life? In this episode, I explain how your history determines your future and makes your purpose clear. Enjoy! Click the link below to join my FREE community for visionaries ca...
There's a major difference between successful and unsuccessful visionaries. I explain, in detail, how to make sure you are successful in this episode. Click the link below to join my FREE community for visionaries called Visi...
Chances are you might not be working in your dream career yet. So what do you do while you're in the middle - while building your vision? I have some thoughts, but I thought it would be better to call someone who has done it ...
Learn how to identify and use your unique personality to your advantage! Understanding your personality is a key element in self-awareness and spiritual intelligence. Cleavon brings special guest Tom Miner on the show to expl...
If you have ever struggled with mental health challenges or you know someone who has, you will benefit from this in-depth conversation licensed professional counselor and my good friend, Stacey Stone. We discuss: Prayer vs Th...
Self-sabotage is an undercover epidemic. I have an insightful conversation with Dr. Towanna Burrous , founder of the Coach Diversity Institute. She is a master coach and gives excellent insight into self-sabotage's murky dept...
Just because something is a "good" opportunity doesn't mean it's the "right" opportunity. How can you tell the difference? We discuss that in today's episode. Click the link below to join my FREE community for visionaries cal...
Ever felt like you've been sitting in a 'traffic jam' of life, obstructed from reaching your true calling or 'God idea'? Buckle up, as we delve into an enlightening discussion about navigating through life's roadblocks and ch...
Not sure what God has called you to do with your life? You are not alone. Dr. Dharius Daniels a prolific speaker, minister, and entrepreneur shares with us: 1. The difference between certainty and clarity. 2. Incorrect assump...
Dr. Dharius Daniels shares with us the 2 questions you need to reveal your calling in life. Visionpreneur Skool Your Purpose Is Calling Book Click the link below to join my FREE community for visionaries called Visionpreneur ...
Clee shares 7 important lessons he wishes he knew before turning 25. This episode is all about real, raw, and practical advice that can help visionaries gain clarity, confidence, and success in their lives. Episode 108: Take ...
I thought I was just an inconsistent person and I needed to be more disciplined. BUT! That was not true. I will show you what happened all the way back in 1938, that will change how you see consistency. Make you a more consis...
Sam Bennett is a productivity strategist specifically for creatives and she will show us how to remain productive, effective, and focused as a highly creative individual. By understanding how your brain works as a highly crea...