Sept. 17, 2024

7 Things I Wish I Knew About Consistency | 163

7 Things I Wish I Knew About Consistency | 163

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Hey! I'm Clee, the founder/CVO of Build Your Vision LLC, a media & coaching company that trains busy, growth-minded visionaries in self-leadership and personal growth.

My mission is to eradicate internal confusion in my generation and to build the "Vision Economy". A balanced supply and demand ecosystem in which each individual's accomplished vision is the platform for another vision to be actualized.

I post content like skits, videos, interviews, and blog articles to accomplish the goal of creating a world of more visionaries taking action and less dreamers sitting on the sidelines.


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Here are seven things I wish I knew about consistency after over 1, 000 social media posts, 50 consecutive live presentations, and over 150 podcast episodes.

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Number one.

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There There is not a better way.

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You just have to get way better.

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What do I mean by this?

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I see so often, myself included, I wish I understood this because I have gone through so many softwares, platforms, methodologies, trying to get as a means to an end To just realize down the line that there is not a better way.

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And I was suffering from a chronic case of the grass is greener syndrome.

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Let me ask you this.

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Have you ever opted out of one thing that you were doing because it was not working for you and then you get enlightened on another vehicle or method that you think will work better for you?

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Then you adopt that and you pay for that or you subscribe to that and yet you find yourself, if not in the same place, just a little different than what you were before.

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And it's because there is not a better way.

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You just have to get way better.

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There is no magic bullet for your social media.

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There is no magic bullet for your podcast.

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There is no magic bullet for your business.

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there is no magic bullet for your book.

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There is no magic bullet for your conference.

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There's no magic bullet.

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For it, the only magic bullet, which really isn't magic, is long obedience in the same direction.

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Long obedience in the same direction.

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I know I would be so much farther along if I just stuck with what I had and realized there was not a better way to do things.

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I just had to get way better at what I was doing.

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I had to stop making excuses for why I was not getting where I wanted to go and take responsibility and accountability for just getting better with where I was.

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Stewarding what I had already possessed.

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What can this look like for you?

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Pick your lane.

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to you.

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And what do I mean by authentic?

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the one that comes to you most naturally for me.

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That's a podcast because I am a speaker.

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I am a teacher and I have a background in audio engineering and sound design.

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So this was the most authentic medium for me.

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And we're not just talking about content creation or content distribution in this.

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It could be for anything.

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If you love doing live conferences, if you love doing one on ones instead of group coaching, whatever it is, pick your lane.

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It's And just leverage the heck out of it.

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Pick the one that's the most authentic you and go to work there.

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Maximize that because there's not a better way.

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You just have to get way better.

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Stop blaming the vehicle when you are just not the best driver yet.

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And I'm going to get to this, that analogy again.

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But first let's move on to number two.

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Your productivity doesn't matter as much as your priorities.

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I know one of the biggest complaints for me from people I work with, from clients, from colleagues, is that we just don't have enough time.

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There's not enough time in the day to get everything I gotta get done.

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Cause look, especially for most of us who are just starting these businesses, you are a solopreneur act.

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You are doing the content creation.

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You are doing the coaching.

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You are doing The consulting, you are doing the onboarding, you are doing the admin, you are doing the fulfillment, you were doing all of it.

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And it feels like a lot because it is a lot.

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So therefore time is of the essence.

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And lots of times we feel overwhelmed because there's just not enough.

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And we look for ways so that we could be more productive, whether that's a productivity system or a productivity method or framework.

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And here's the thing that I've realized over this period of time of doing this.

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It is not so much a productivity thing as much as it is a priority thing.

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Here's the cold hard truth.

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You, me, we have enough time.

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We are all given the same 24.

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But, your productivity will always hit the ceiling of your priorities.

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You choose where you put your time now, of course We've got to make room for the things that are staples in your day that require your time Like if you have a job, you need to go to that job.

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That is going to take some of your time But what are you doing with the rest of your day?

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You still have 16 more hours or at least 10 more hours of the day To do what you have to do.

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Now, of course you have things like children and family that also require your time, but you are in control of how you prioritize that time.

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If you haven't already been through my program and vision for newer school, which is my free community and classroom for aspiring visionary podcasters, uh, get in there if you're not in there, but there's a course that we go through where we talk about establishing your value ladder.

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Your value ladder is basically your list of priorities.

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And I say, you don't go more than 10 deep with this because at that point it's just a list and it's no longer any type of prioritization there.

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It's developing this thing in order of what is the most important to me, what brings me the most fulfillment and joy in life, in my life, and then assessing whether you are actually living in alignment with those priorities.

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After you have established what those priorities are for you, you need to make note of the needle movers.

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This is what I call the things that actually push you forward to that life destination.

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Lots of our time can be filled with things that keep us busy, but are not effective toward getting us where we actually want to go in life.

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Yes, this might be urgent, but is it important?

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And lots of our time gets Bought up and spent on these yes, urgent, but unimportant things, or yes, easy, but things that actually pull us backward.

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So here's an example for myself that I established that you can, you know, use an example for you.

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I know right off hand, the first top three priorities of my value ladder is my faith, my family, and my growth and development.

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Those things are huge priorities to me.

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Now, also I have things on here like relationships with my friends, but that falls all the way down to number seven.

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So yes, if my friends are getting in the way of my growth and development, my relationship with my family, or my relationship with.

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God, they have to bounce.

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They have to go.

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I would never give them more time than I'm giving those things, even within the top three, if my growth and development or what's perceived as my growth and development is getting in the way of my time with the Lord.

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That is not okay.

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I have to prioritize my time in a way that actually aligns with my values.

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This is way more effective than a productivity system, because this is about becoming a person that actually follows through with what your priorities are, rather than blaming your efficiency or lack thereof on a productivity system.

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And then I've established needle movers for those areas.

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So am I spending time hearing, studying, reading, and fellowshipping over the word of God every day?

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Like, that is something that I actually check off in what I call my LOPs, life operating procedures, so that I know I'm hitting the marks for these needle movers, because that is a priority.

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I make sure.

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Time for it.

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Same thing with family.

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Same thing with growth and development.

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Investing in myself.

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Same thing for what follows after that.

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And number four is my impact and influence.

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Making podcasts like these, going into my community, serving them, making courses and classrooms for the people that I serve.

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That is a priority of mine and I allocate my time accordingly to that.

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Now, I have not gotten this perfect.

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I'm not speaking from a place of I got this down pat, but I've realized that it's not so much about, oh, I need a time management system.

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No, you just need to actually spend the time on the things that you say profess with your mouth matter to you.

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And if you actually did that, you will have enough time, but we don't.

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We spend that time watching Netflix.

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We spend that time on social media.

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We spend that time talking to friends and there's nothing wrong with those things, but it's something wrong with it.

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If it does not align with your value ladder, because you're living in a state of constant misalignment and that breeds aggravation, frustration, discontent, and it's not a productivity thing.

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It's a priority thing.

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All right.

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Number three.

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You don't have a consistency issue.

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You have a commitment issue.

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One day while I was at work, I remember this day like it was yesterday.

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I was actually at work and I was simultaneously.

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I told you, uh, growth and development is number three on my priority list.

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I was making time for it.

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I was watching a leadership course by Donald Miller and he said something so profound, so profound to me that I almost had to call out.

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Out for the rest of the day because it just messed me up that much.

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It was so good.

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And he said this, stop choosing confusion.

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Stop choosing to be confused.

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And I'm like, what does he mean by that?

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And he said, there are more leaders who choose confusion than there are those who are actually confused.

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So what does choosing confusion mean?

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Choosing confusion means you are choosing to be in a state of indecision,, back and forth, fickleness, not because you don't know what to do, but because you are operating in a state of fear, trepidation, Insecurity and quite honestly, is more comfortable to stay confused because it requires less accountability than being someone that commits.

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See, when you are in a state of confusion and oh, I don't know how to get this answer about this, or I'm not sure how to do that, or I'm looking for feedback on this, or I'm asking someone else about their experience doing that, you get an excuse.

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You can give yourself a pass.

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You can pass by people who said, didn't you say that you were going to.

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But if you can say, Oh, I'm confused.

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I haven't quite figured it out.

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It relieves yourself of accountability rather than saying, This is what I'm doing.

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This is the goal.

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This is the inputs I'm going to make.

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This is what I'm going to accomplish during this period of time.

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That makes you accountable.

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And it's easier to stay in a state of confusion.

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That it is to be committed.

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So therefore we choose not to make a decision, or we choose to be in a constant state of confusion rather than us making a decisive move and how committed you are directly determines your level of consistency.

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If you are half committed, you are going to be half consistent.

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If you are partially committed, you're going to be partially consistent, but if you are complete.

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Completely committed, you will be consistent.

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It has to do with your commitment.

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You think you like have a consistency problem.

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No, you have a problem.

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You have not fully committed to what you said.

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I know this.

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Like, there's certain things, like, let's just say, uh, for example, for myself, because I'm speaking from seven things I wish I knew, uh, YouTube.

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YouTube was a space and is presently still a space because I've not built out a team in order to do it at the level that I know it needs to be done.

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Is a space where I have not fully committed.

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But there was a point where I was tricking myself about this because, um, I saw the opportunity that was on YouTube even though it wasn't my lane because, you know, I, there's, there's no better way.

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You just gotta get way better.

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Remember point one.

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But I was partially consistent with YouTube because I was partially committed to YouTube because it was not my full focus at the time.

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It's not my full focus because I was doing an audio first podcast, not a video first podcast.

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And lots of times I would say, Oh, well I'm partially consistent cause I don't know how to edit that well and blah, blah, blah.

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And this is just like, no, if you decided to fully commit, you would figure it out, bro.

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No, you're just, you don't have a consistency problem.

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You have a commitment problem.

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You're not fully committed to this.

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If you want to improve your consistency, you must improve the quality of your commitments.

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And lots of times this looks like you committing to less.

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It's hard to be fully committed in multiple areas.

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That's challenging.

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Something's going to have to give.

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So that's point number three.

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You don't have a consistency issue.

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You have a commitment issue.

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Number four.

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Clarity is the key to consistency.

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This was my first ebook that I ever wrote, uh, called The Key to Consistency.

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Cause it is.

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Clarity cures a multitude of sins is what I always say.

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the quality of your life is directly determined by the clarity of your vision.

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Your clarity is the key that unlocks consistency for you.

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Let me ask you this, have you ever been riding or driving behind someone and you can point out relatively quickly That this person is probably lost.

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I mean, they're going slow.

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They're breaking and gassing.

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They're putting on their blinkers and turn signals and turning them back off.

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You like what this person is clearly lost.

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They don't know where they're going.

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They're inconsistent in their driving maneuvers.

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They are not consistently headed in a determined, definite direction.

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It's clear that they are not clear about where they're going.

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And I'm tying this back into number three.

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If you are not clear about what you're committing to, you won't even know when the commitment is broken.

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When you are clear about where you're driving, you don't even realize how many laws you're breaking.

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People are honking at you, looking at you like you're crazy.

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You have to have some level of clarity.

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Now, I don't mean 100 percent clarity if you have not listened to, uh, episode, one 37 with Dr.

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Darius Daniels, where we talk about calling and clarity, listen to that because it's not that you have to be 100 percent clear.

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You'll never be 100 percent clear that at that point you'll be God, but you have to have enough, enough clarity to make a decision and move forward and commit.

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But if you don't even know if you're not clear what you're committed to you won't even realize that you've broken the commitment And what we do most often as as coaches consultants educational content creators this lack of clarity of commitment we call it or label as oh i'm making some pivots a series of pivots no You just aren't clear about what you're committed to i'll tell you what a pivot is A pivot is you've made a decision to go in a certain direction.

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You've committed to but there needs to be a change, a slight, literally pivot on a point of axis to not change the goal or the destination, but rather change the, approach of how you're going to do that.

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Not changing what you're even committed to in the first place.

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Pivots are okay, because you have determined that you're going in a certain direction, and you have to make certain adjustments on the way to that destination in order to get there in the most effective manner.

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But a lack of commitment or clarity about commitment, you are just all over the place.

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You say that you're going to do a podcast at one point, and then you're saying you're going to do YouTube, and then you're doing Reels, and you're just all over the place.

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this was definitely me because I kept thinking there was a better way, not realizing that I just need to get way better.

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But I wasn't clear about what my commitments were.

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Let me make it make sense in this way.

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Let's say that you were in a romantic relationship.

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would you ever, ever tell your significant other that you're in a committed relationship with?

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Hey, you know, um, I think that I'm actually going to start dating this person right now.

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We're, we're still cool.

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I'm going to start dating this person.

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I'm making a pivot in the relationship.

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Would you ever say you were making a pivot in a relationship, in a commitment like that?

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No, you would not.

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you're crazy at that point.

00:18:00.977 --> 00:18:01.717
What are you doing?

00:18:01.717 --> 00:18:02.997
You just don't need to be with anybody.

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No, when you make a commitment, you either decide to stop that commitment, make adjustments and tweaks in that commitment, but you do not make a pivot in that commitment.

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Stop labeling a lack of clarity on your commitments as pivots.

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That's a cop out.

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You must be clear about the commitment you're making.

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What's the why behind that commitment?

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And what are your inputs going to be?

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What are you going to consistently show up and do?

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Don't worry about the outcomes.

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Don't worry about how many followers you get.

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Don't worry about how many likes, how many views.

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Don't worry about how many clients.

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Don't worry about how much money yet.

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Just be consistent with I'm going to come to the table with this because I'm clear about what I am committed to and why I'm doing it and why it matters.

00:18:49.980 --> 00:18:51.480
And this is going to be my input.

00:18:53.096 --> 00:18:56.496
If you do that, God will honor the rest.

00:18:56.496 --> 00:18:58.256
You got to be clear.

00:18:58.355 --> 00:18:59.246
All right, number five.

00:19:06.413 --> 00:19:10.953
Your consistency is your brand.

00:19:11.227 --> 00:19:13.457
Your consistency is your brand.

00:19:14.073 --> 00:19:21.923
So I have a friend named Devin and Devin is a type of person I would call eccentric.

00:19:22.454 --> 00:19:26.085
Lots of personality, lots of style, lots of swag.

00:19:26.555 --> 00:19:32.414
And there was a point that we were in high school together and Devin out of nowhere.

00:19:32.444 --> 00:19:35.555
I mean, he's from, he's, he's not a country person.

00:19:35.555 --> 00:19:40.432
He's from the city, decided to start wearing cowboy boots to school.

00:19:41.573 --> 00:19:45.353
And at first everybody was like, bro, what are you doing?

00:19:45.353 --> 00:19:46.883
There's like no one in our school.

00:19:47.913 --> 00:19:48.873
Cowboy boots.

00:19:48.873 --> 00:19:53.942
It was very, very strange, but it was not that strange for a person like Devin.

00:19:53.942 --> 00:20:01.542
He, he made his own style and he was confident in it and he kept wearing the boots day in and day out.

00:20:01.903 --> 00:20:06.063
And eventually everyone got used to it.

00:20:06.663 --> 00:20:19.510
In fact, the crazier Devin's outfits got, The more normal it was because he was consistent with how he liked to experiment with his wardrobe.

00:20:20.082 --> 00:20:29.382
See, the key to his brand of being an eccentric, stylish fashionista of a person came with his consistency.

00:20:30.001 --> 00:20:36.971
Imagine if Devin wore cowboy boots one day and then didn't wear them again for another 3, 4, 5 weeks.

00:20:37.846 --> 00:20:41.356
And then tried to wear them again, except with a cowboy hat this time.

00:20:41.386 --> 00:20:45.457
Everyone would look at him like, Dude, what are you wearing?

00:20:46.317 --> 00:20:55.136
But the fact that he was consistent with how he carried himself, consistent with how he presented himself, it became his brand.

00:20:55.813 --> 00:21:00.563
Whatever you show up as the most, becomes your reputation.

00:21:01.292 --> 00:21:02.692
Your reputation, your reputation.

00:21:03.692 --> 00:21:10.772
Your brand and your reputation is all you have.

00:21:11.843 --> 00:21:12.853
That's it.

00:21:13.133 --> 00:21:16.682
If that goes, you're dead in the water.

00:21:17.772 --> 00:21:18.363
You're done.

00:21:18.383 --> 00:21:34.807
So bro, your reputation is your brand and your reputation is what you consistently Show up as I am in a season where I want to become.

00:21:34.847 --> 00:21:47.008
This is one of the greatest pieces of advice I've ever heard become a person that people say yes to before they know what the offer is become a person who people say yes to before they know what the request is.

00:21:47.478 --> 00:21:51.167
Because your brand yields a yes.

00:21:52.607 --> 00:21:55.508
Showing up and being the person you say you're going to be.

00:21:55.557 --> 00:21:58.627
Being the person that you said you are consistently.

00:21:58.817 --> 00:22:00.807
Day in and day out.

00:22:01.258 --> 00:22:03.178
That is so important.

00:22:03.208 --> 00:22:06.738
I wish I understood the importance of this earlier.

00:22:07.281 --> 00:22:09.971
Whatever you show up as the most, that is your brand.

00:22:09.971 --> 00:22:12.352
If you're not showing up, that's your brand.

00:22:12.362 --> 00:22:13.501
You are invisible.

00:22:14.003 --> 00:22:15.463
You have to choose what your brand is.

00:22:15.473 --> 00:22:19.094
You could be a one on, you could not, social media might not be your thing.

00:22:19.733 --> 00:22:22.253
You could be a one on one personal, person.

00:22:22.263 --> 00:22:23.213
That's your brand.

00:22:23.223 --> 00:22:25.773
That's what you show up as the most consistently as.

00:22:25.971 --> 00:22:33.300
Whatever it is, if you constantly don't show up, if you constantly are late, if you constantly, uh, say you're going to do something and then don't do it.

00:22:33.540 --> 00:22:38.320
If you're constantly flopping or being a no show, whatever it is.

00:22:38.651 --> 00:22:43.201
Underperforming, letting your reputation exceed you.

00:22:44.101 --> 00:22:45.941
Not even precede you, exceed you.

00:22:46.179 --> 00:22:47.338
Then that's your brand.

00:22:48.598 --> 00:22:51.209
Because that's what you're showing up as consistently.

00:22:51.888 --> 00:22:52.979
This is so key.

00:22:53.159 --> 00:23:00.332
I wish I knew the importance and the weight 6.

00:23:00.455 --> 00:23:01.905
We're drawing this to a close.

00:23:09.193 --> 00:23:13.314
Now, I'm being a little tongue in cheek here, but I'm, I'm serious.

00:23:13.943 --> 00:23:18.394
But I just want to get your attention with the strong language I'm about to use here.

00:23:19.212 --> 00:23:20.032
Here it is.

00:23:20.623 --> 00:23:28.333
Consistency is the smartest way to win if you're not dumb.

00:23:29.982 --> 00:23:36.242
Consistency is the smartest way to win if you aren't dumb.

00:23:36.653 --> 00:23:38.292
Now let me explain myself y'all.

00:23:38.993 --> 00:23:50.740
Stop doing the same thing that doesn't work and expect to be rewarded because you are sticking with it.

00:23:51.763 --> 00:24:02.733
Stop expecting some consolation prize because oh, I'm doing it over and over again So therefore I should get some type of reward for it because I keep showing up.

00:24:02.864 --> 00:24:04.834
No, you just consistently suck.

00:24:05.306 --> 00:24:08.451
No rewards No constellation prizes.

00:24:08.671 --> 00:24:12.191
No 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th place trophies.

00:24:13.691 --> 00:24:15.411
You have to get better.

00:24:15.580 --> 00:24:17.201
It's not a better way.

00:24:17.351 --> 00:24:19.750
You just have to get way better.

00:24:19.770 --> 00:24:21.931
I'm talking to myself when I say this.

00:24:21.971 --> 00:24:23.851
I wish I understood this earlier.

00:24:24.394 --> 00:24:27.315
Okay, maybe the strong language is pushing you in the wrong direction.

00:24:27.315 --> 00:24:28.484
I hope you're not offended.

00:24:28.505 --> 00:24:29.855
I really want you to hear me on this.

00:24:30.065 --> 00:24:30.964
Look at this analogy.

00:24:30.964 --> 00:24:32.535
Look at this metaphor that I'm about to use here.

00:24:33.710 --> 00:24:45.539
Imagine your consistency in the area is like a high performing car, a Porsche, a Mustang GT, a McLaren, whatever it is for you, whatever your high performing car of choice is.

00:24:45.941 --> 00:24:52.230
But you don't know how to drive a high performance vehicle.

00:24:52.661 --> 00:24:53.101
You just don't.

00:24:53.750 --> 00:24:55.740
You've only driven a Prius before.

00:24:55.790 --> 00:24:58.740
No offense to anybody that drives a Prius.

00:24:58.740 --> 00:24:59.611
Priuses are great cars.

00:24:59.861 --> 00:25:01.770
I have nothing against Toyota or Priuses.

00:25:02.730 --> 00:25:04.490
But it's much different than a high performing vehicle.

00:25:04.490 --> 00:25:05.161
It's probably the opposite.

00:25:05.431 --> 00:25:05.661

00:25:08.381 --> 00:25:14.701
So you, you, you have no, you don't have experience or skill in driving this high performance vehicle.

00:25:15.310 --> 00:25:26.510
And because you don't know how to drive the vehicle, the vehicle is not performing the way it is supposed to, because you don't know how to drive it correctly.

00:25:26.932 --> 00:25:31.481
And because you don't know how to drive it correctly, things are starting to go wrong because you're not.

00:25:31.957 --> 00:25:38.116
Driving it and maintaining it and having it do the things it's supposed to do in order to perform well.

00:25:38.116 --> 00:25:46.106
So, you know, the check engine light has come on now and the car is running a little hot in the vehicles making noise that it definitely should not be making.

00:25:46.450 --> 00:25:48.049
And remember the initial point here.

00:25:48.400 --> 00:25:54.009
Consistency is the smartest way to win if you are not dumb.

00:25:54.019 --> 00:25:55.589
What does it look like in this analogy?

00:25:56.759 --> 00:25:58.220
You keep on driving.

00:25:58.704 --> 00:25:59.694
A failing vehicle.

00:26:00.095 --> 00:26:07.134
Hoping and praying, somehow, miraculously, it just gets better because you keep on driving it.

00:26:07.384 --> 00:26:18.115
The vehicle is sputtering, and spatting, and leaking, and underperforming, and a dumb thought process is, if I just keep driving, it will get better.

00:26:18.835 --> 00:26:22.902
No! It won't! Let's bring this full circle.

00:26:23.771 --> 00:26:26.332
If I just keep boasting, it will get better.

00:26:26.342 --> 00:26:29.041
If I just keep promoting it, it will get better.

00:26:29.041 --> 00:26:31.801
If I just keep showing up, it will get better.

00:26:31.801 --> 00:26:34.412
No, sweetie, it won't.

00:26:35.152 --> 00:26:36.162
It won't get better.

00:26:37.106 --> 00:26:49.057
You just consistently underperform because you have not learned how to drive this high performing vehicle and the car is being destroyed.

00:26:49.674 --> 00:26:53.025
Consistency is the smartest way to win.

00:26:53.045 --> 00:27:00.555
It is if you are intentionally and consistently improving.

00:27:00.873 --> 00:27:02.762
I was driving in so many cases.

00:27:02.762 --> 00:27:03.143
I've done this.

00:27:03.143 --> 00:27:04.393
I mean, I did this with podcasting.

00:27:04.393 --> 00:27:05.762
It's like, oh, I'm not getting more listeners.

00:27:05.762 --> 00:27:07.063
Oh, it must be the platform.

00:27:07.103 --> 00:27:08.042
No, bro.

00:27:08.053 --> 00:27:09.432
You just got to get better.

00:27:11.613 --> 00:27:25.272
When you get better, when you get granular with how you are improving this thing, this, this path that you have chosen that's most authentic to you, and you consistently show up and consistently decide to intentionally improve.

00:27:25.797 --> 00:27:27.356
That's when things get better.

00:27:27.946 --> 00:27:30.376
And what we do is we often say, Ah, this car doesn't work.

00:27:30.376 --> 00:27:31.346
I'm not going to drive this Porsche.

00:27:31.346 --> 00:27:32.267
I'm going to get a McLaren.

00:27:32.946 --> 00:27:34.416
Dah, this McLaren isn't working either.

00:27:34.416 --> 00:27:35.866
I'm going to go get a Mustang.

00:27:35.896 --> 00:27:37.576
Ah, this Mustang isn't working either.

00:27:37.576 --> 00:27:38.457
I'm going to get a Camaro.

00:27:38.586 --> 00:27:39.416
Whatever it is.

00:27:40.021 --> 00:27:41.071
It's not the vehicle.

00:27:42.711 --> 00:27:43.922
It's just a sucky driver.

00:27:44.326 --> 00:27:45.306
I'm speaking from experience here.

00:27:45.665 --> 00:27:47.635
I'm not talking down to you.

00:27:47.635 --> 00:27:50.185
I'm talking to you from a place of empathy.

00:27:50.453 --> 00:27:51.624
A place of experience.

00:27:51.663 --> 00:27:52.814
What I wish I knew.

00:27:53.277 --> 00:27:57.336
Consistency only works if you consistently improve.

00:27:57.977 --> 00:27:58.916
What does this look like?

00:27:59.146 --> 00:28:00.196
Finding a mentor.

00:28:00.390 --> 00:28:20.248
That's doing what you want to do, taking a class, taking a course, getting a lesson, joining a community that is full of other people who are testing and experimenting the same type of things you are getting Envisionpreneur School, a link in the description, uh, researching top performers, all key key here.

00:28:20.268 --> 00:28:22.087
Don't don't don't tap out yet.

00:28:22.657 --> 00:28:23.357

00:28:24.063 --> 00:28:27.532
While doing the thing consistently.

00:28:28.913 --> 00:28:34.522
See what we like to do as rabid learners is we love to just gorge on information.

00:28:35.083 --> 00:28:50.192
Study all the books, study all the courses, study all the people who are doing at the top on YouTube, study all the people who are making all these podcasts and you listen to all them, all the audio books that you're digesting, all these things while doing nothing and just getting fat and obese on information.

00:28:50.843 --> 00:28:51.643
That is not.

00:28:52.133 --> 00:28:53.722
How you are consistent.

00:28:53.742 --> 00:28:56.742
That is just the opposite of consistency because you're not actually taking any action.

00:28:57.176 --> 00:29:15.547
And or the other thing is you were just doing the thing hoping because you were sticking with it because you were being consistent that things would just get better without the intentionality and the consistency of little granular improvements over time.

00:29:15.972 --> 00:29:20.522
Somehow expecting a different result when you keep doing the same inputs.

00:29:21.272 --> 00:29:23.232
No, you have to get better guessed.

00:29:23.663 --> 00:29:26.272
No, you have to get better at your intros.

00:29:26.423 --> 00:29:29.712
No, you have to get better at speaking with sticky statements.

00:29:29.752 --> 00:29:32.762
No, you have to get better at marketing your things.

00:29:32.982 --> 00:29:35.712
No, you have to get better at talking about what you do.

00:29:35.932 --> 00:29:38.103
No, you have to get better at your writing.

00:29:39.143 --> 00:29:42.313
Stop blaming The vehicle.

00:29:42.732 --> 00:29:50.073
Stop thinking that just because you are consistent with doing the thing, means that you automatically get better at the thing.

00:29:51.042 --> 00:29:51.452

00:29:52.123 --> 00:29:53.353
It does not work like that.

00:29:54.093 --> 00:29:57.712
You have to be intentional about improving.

00:29:57.883 --> 00:29:59.123
It might work to a certain degree.

00:29:59.393 --> 00:30:03.012
It might get to the point where you are able to do what you are doing without much thought.

00:30:04.742 --> 00:30:08.202
Yeah, because before you had to think a lot to do what you're doing now.

00:30:09.153 --> 00:30:10.962
Before you had to think a lot just to suck.

00:30:11.813 --> 00:30:13.143
Now you don't have to think at all to suck.

00:30:13.847 --> 00:30:14.807
But you still suck.

00:30:17.288 --> 00:30:18.469
I'm saying this to myself, bro.

00:30:18.499 --> 00:30:19.598
I still suck.

00:30:19.638 --> 00:30:23.318
I still suck as so many, and hopefully you're not offended by the word suck.

00:30:23.622 --> 00:30:26.451
If you, if you are just decision show the show for you, you can unsubscribe.

00:30:26.842 --> 00:30:30.132
Um, like I still suck at so many things.

00:30:30.142 --> 00:30:32.152
I'm getting better at so many different things.

00:30:32.152 --> 00:30:34.402
And I know that there's so much I can improve on.

00:30:34.402 --> 00:30:39.932
I'm taking it one day at a time, one improvement, one little thing at a time, building mastery on top of mastery.

00:30:41.332 --> 00:30:45.071
But stop thinking that I was just going to, I'm just going to keep doing it.

00:30:46.076 --> 00:30:48.666
Episode 100, doing the same thing.

00:30:48.826 --> 00:30:50.326
Why am I not getting more of listeners?

00:30:51.227 --> 00:30:53.307
Because you consistently are not good.

00:30:53.773 --> 00:30:55.074
I wish I knew this.

00:30:55.356 --> 00:31:01.596
Okay, so, I'm going to recap these first, these first six, and then I'm going to wrap it up with number seven.

00:31:01.596 --> 00:31:09.261
I want to leave you on a high note, an encouraging positive note, because I know this one might have been stomping on your toes a little bit.

00:31:16.788 --> 00:31:18.728
So number one, there is not a better way.

00:31:19.107 --> 00:31:21.018
You just need to get way better.

00:31:21.018 --> 00:31:22.708
Stop thinking that the grass is greener.

00:31:22.718 --> 00:31:25.857
Stop suffering from chronic grass is greener syndrome.

00:31:26.089 --> 00:31:30.119
Number two, your productivity doesn't matter as much as your priorities.

00:31:30.383 --> 00:31:31.613
You don't have a time problem.

00:31:31.613 --> 00:31:34.721
You have a priority problem, and that's where we need to put our focus.

00:31:35.501 --> 00:31:37.892
Number three, you do not have a consistency issue.

00:31:38.182 --> 00:31:39.241
You have a commitment issue.

00:31:39.684 --> 00:31:44.654
Your consistency is, is completely tied to your amount and quality of your commitments.

00:31:45.805 --> 00:31:48.795
Number four, clarity is the key to consistency.

00:31:48.805 --> 00:31:53.744
If you aren't clear about what you're committing to, you won't even realize or know when the commitment's been broken.

00:31:53.996 --> 00:32:03.384
You'll be operating in a state of inconsistency almost without even knowing it And stop categorizing your lack of commitment to things as pivots in your journey.

00:32:04.440 --> 00:32:05.680
That's a mis assessment.

00:32:06.349 --> 00:32:08.779
You just aren't clear on what you're committed to.

00:32:09.429 --> 00:32:13.509
number five, your consistency is your brand.

00:32:14.093 --> 00:32:17.623
Whatever you show up as the most becomes your reputation.

00:32:17.873 --> 00:32:20.502
And your reputation is your brand.

00:32:20.925 --> 00:32:24.318
Number six, the smartest way to win is consistency.

00:32:24.318 --> 00:32:25.776
If you are not dumb.

00:32:25.776 --> 00:32:29.272
Stop doing the same thing consistently and expecting things to get better.

00:32:29.272 --> 00:32:30.146
Go to Beadaholique.

00:32:30.146 --> 00:32:40.260
com for all of your beading supply needs! No, the only way things get better with consistency is if you consistently are intentional about consistently improving.

00:32:40.835 --> 00:32:44.859
And lastly, number seven, and I'm here to encourage you with this.

00:32:45.480 --> 00:32:49.799
Consistency isn't about never messing up.

00:32:50.859 --> 00:32:54.190
It's about never giving up.

00:32:55.569 --> 00:33:01.359
Could I be farther along in my visionpreneur journey if I was more consistent?

00:33:01.890 --> 00:33:02.819

00:33:02.950 --> 00:33:03.569

00:33:04.278 --> 00:33:07.637
I should probably be on episode 500 by now, but I'm not.

00:33:08.333 --> 00:33:16.992
But 160 plus episodes still is way farther along than if I just gave up because I was not as consistent as I wanted to be.

00:33:17.570 --> 00:33:19.290
It's not about never messing up.

00:33:19.361 --> 00:33:22.951
Consistency does not look like a whole bunch of filled cups to the brim.

00:33:23.330 --> 00:33:24.810
it's water in each cup.

00:33:25.314 --> 00:33:28.183
It doesn't matter if it's full to the brim or if it's just a drop.

00:33:28.284 --> 00:33:29.794
Are you showing up?

00:33:30.214 --> 00:33:35.335
There's a rule that I learned from Matt D'Avella, a productivity and minimalist YouTuber.

00:33:35.650 --> 00:33:37.190
Where he calls it the two day rule.

00:33:37.970 --> 00:33:40.329
Cause I just, I will never go two days.

00:33:40.871 --> 00:33:42.191
Of breaking my commitments.

00:33:42.471 --> 00:33:43.590
Yes, I missed a day.

00:33:43.651 --> 00:33:44.691
I, I fell off.

00:33:44.691 --> 00:33:45.590
I ate the donut.

00:33:45.590 --> 00:33:46.441
I didn't post.

00:33:46.441 --> 00:33:49.211
Whatever it is, that's okay.

00:33:49.211 --> 00:33:49.871
I'm a human.

00:33:50.701 --> 00:33:51.961
But I won't go for a second day.

00:33:52.760 --> 00:33:53.451
I'ma come back.

00:33:53.901 --> 00:33:55.560
Because it's not about never messing up.

00:33:55.560 --> 00:33:56.631
It's about never giving up.

00:33:56.651 --> 00:34:00.411
I'm telling you, if you just stick with it.

00:34:00.921 --> 00:34:06.861
If you just consistently improve every, just a tiny little granular bit every day.

00:34:07.651 --> 00:34:08.411
And stay.

00:34:09.315 --> 00:34:13.456
You will win because you would just outlast the competition.

00:34:15.545 --> 00:34:21.956
And over that period of time of constant little tweaks and improvement, you will become a master.

00:34:23.063 --> 00:34:23.932
Stay with it.

00:34:23.943 --> 00:34:34.032
If you have fallen off, if you have gotten down on yourself about not following through, if you have started something and then have stopped and you're thinking about getting back to it, just get back to it.

00:34:35.943 --> 00:34:37.713
Consistency isn't about never messing up.

00:34:37.722 --> 00:34:38.483
We all mess up.

00:34:38.523 --> 00:34:43.492
We all wish we did things differently in hindsight, but it's about never giving up.

00:34:44.112 --> 00:34:45.382
Get back on the horse.

00:34:45.766 --> 00:34:48.226
Don't wallow in your inconsistency.

00:34:49.405 --> 00:34:51.255
Consistently get back up again.

00:34:51.900 --> 00:34:56.539
And here's the thing too guys, people aren't paying attention to you as much as you think they are.

00:34:57.699 --> 00:35:02.460
You think, Oh, they haven't seen me post and now I'm gonna try to do an event and blah blah blah.

00:35:02.460 --> 00:35:03.949
They don't even remember the last time you post.

00:35:03.949 --> 00:35:10.469
They remember that one that they liked and then they see another one they like and they don't even know that you haven't posted in six months.

00:35:11.925 --> 00:35:19.885
They don't even realize you haven't even built that type of consistency expectation from their, their palette of your content.

00:35:20.233 --> 00:35:24.583
Now, if you have gotten to that point where, you know, like you want to, here's where you want to get to.

00:35:24.884 --> 00:35:28.784
You want to get to the point of consistency where if you stopped, people would miss you.

00:35:30.003 --> 00:35:31.653
People would be asking, where'd you go?

00:35:31.653 --> 00:35:32.423
Where are you?

00:35:32.643 --> 00:35:34.693
I need what you have to offer.

00:35:35.523 --> 00:35:36.364
You are helping me.

00:35:36.364 --> 00:35:39.324
You are serving me and you've been doing consistently to the point.

00:35:39.333 --> 00:35:40.634
Now I expect it.

00:35:42.443 --> 00:35:43.284
That's what you want.

00:35:43.914 --> 00:35:48.063
And if you've gotten there, and you still fell off, come back.

00:35:48.173 --> 00:35:49.244
People will love you for it.

00:35:49.724 --> 00:35:50.483
They'll be like, thank you.

00:35:50.483 --> 00:35:52.123
I've been needing what you can give me.

00:35:52.934 --> 00:35:56.023
Please serve them in that way, by never giving up.

00:35:57.173 --> 00:36:03.563
And if you haven't gotten to that point, to be quite honest with you, to keep it a hundred, they ain't miss you anyway.

00:36:03.653 --> 00:36:04.643
So just come back.

00:36:04.664 --> 00:36:06.123
Nobody's thinking about you like that.

00:36:06.853 --> 00:36:08.222
This is the stuff I wish I knew.

00:36:08.233 --> 00:36:10.972
Like, I think I'm over here thinking the world revolves around me.

00:36:10.972 --> 00:36:11.512
It don't.

00:36:11.742 --> 00:36:13.623
Everybody's world revolves around themselves.

00:36:14.538 --> 00:36:15.717
They're not thinking about you.

00:36:17.367 --> 00:36:18.458
Just start again.

00:36:19.137 --> 00:36:20.137
Keep on going.

00:36:20.807 --> 00:36:24.568
You'll probably be better this time because you have more experience.

00:36:25.137 --> 00:36:25.858
Keep on going.

00:36:26.807 --> 00:36:29.987
Consistency is how you win.

00:36:29.998 --> 00:36:31.588
Remember, you gotta be smarter about it now.

00:36:32.427 --> 00:36:36.597
These are seven things I wish I knew about consistency.

00:36:36.597 --> 00:36:47.922
After over 1, 000 social media posts, over 50 consecutive live presentations, 150 plus podcast episodes, And I hope that some of this is valuable to you.

00:36:47.922 --> 00:37:02.963
If you have questions, Hey, feel free to, uh, text the link that is in the description, or you can just hop into vision for newer school, my school for aspiring visionary podcasters, Who wants to make impact and income with their ideas, insights, and influence.

00:37:03.373 --> 00:37:05.552
Uh, that link will be in the description.

00:37:06.012 --> 00:37:08.563
As well, we hop on a live call every week.

00:37:09.072 --> 00:37:10.112
You can ask questions there.

00:37:10.382 --> 00:37:11.483
That would be the perfect place to do it.

00:37:11.782 --> 00:37:12.782
I hope this was helpful to you.

00:37:13.322 --> 00:37:16.742
As always, keep building your vision every single day.

00:37:16.992 --> 00:37:17.612